Daily natural hair care routine for dry hair and hair ends

If your hair looks dull, brittle, without shine, then this is probably a sign that it is time to change your hair care routine.

Finding the right ingredients is the key to bringing your hair back to life. To restore it to a healthier and more vibrant look, proper care and choosing the right products for your hair type is very important.

Nourishing and moisturizing your hair in the form of oil or water helps prevent natural hair from drying out and splitting. It is also important to include medical treatments in the natural hair care process.

Hair oil for moisturizing - hair oiling

Hair oiling, including warm/hot oils, is one of the most natural hair care procedures that has been used for hundreds of years. Coating hair strands with oil promotes hair hydration, increases elasticity and prevents hair damage. Warm oils are one great solution because it opens the cuticle and allows the oil to penetrate deeper into the hair strand. Hot oil treatments are especially good for coarse and low porosity hair. Oiling your hair helps improve hydration.

Oils are best absorbed into damp hair and help lock in moisture, increase shine and reduce dryness over a longer period of time. 

Hair products with plants' oils

If you can't choose which oil to use, it is recommended to use products containing different plant oils for moisturizing, such as coconut oil.

Marusha Hair growth oil moisturize and nourish dry hairs

Photo: MARUSHA Herbal Hair growth oil with Rosemary and Neem

If the hair is dry for a long time, it can cause hair breakage and damage. Products made from natural ingredients are used to revive the hair. Ingredients that stimulate growth include natural plant oils and essential oils such as rosemary, peppermint, tea tree. Vitamin E and B3 also help in hair growth.

MARUSHA Hair growth oil

Photo: Marusha Hair growth oil with Rosemary and Neem - clinically tested

The use of synthetic ingredients should be avoided. Although they can work wonders, it is recommended to avoid them or use them in small doses. 

If you have dry hair, avoid deep cleansing.

It is recommended to avoid products that deeply cleanse and wash away the natural oil. Such deep cleansing products are not recommended for regular use. It is also not recommended to use drying products such as sprays and hard gels. Ingredients such as isopropyl alcohol, formaldehyde, benzene, strong fragrances and dyes contain chemicals and have long-term negative effects on the hair and scalp.

If you want to revive your natural hair, carefully study the ingredients of the product. Avoid products that contain sulfates. The health of the scalp is also very important. 

You need to find the best hair care routine for your hair. Regardless of which ingredients and products you try, evaluate which ones work best and work best for your hair. It's important to clean, moisturize and create a hair care routine that makes your hair feel good and which your hair responds well to over time. You need to know what your hair type and structure is and this will help you choose how to take better care of your hair. 

Gradually create a care routine for your hair that makes both you and your hair feel good.


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