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Gift Set for hair growth | Starter Kit

Gift Set for hair growth | Starter Kit

Regular price €24,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €24,00 EUR
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  • Handmade with love
  • Sustainable & certified
  • Plant based ingredients
Gift set

A closer look at the ingredients

  • Discover the natural goodness in our products here.

Shipping information

Guarantee: 14 day money back guarantee

Free delivery in Latvia for orders over EUR 50.00 with parcel terminals and Internationally for orders over EUR 59.00.


  • We deliver in Latvia through Omniva and DPD parcels and courier. The goods can also be received at the warehouse in Garkalne, Nākotnes iela 30, Ropažu district.
  • Delivery costs: Parcel - 3.05 EUR, Courier - 5.00 EUR.

Foreign countries:

  • We deliver to the Baltic States and all countries of the world.
  • Delivery costs to the Baltic States (Estonia, Lithuania): 4.50 EUR.
  • Delivery costs to other European countries (outside the Baltic States): from 5.00 EUR.
  • Delivery costs outside Europe: from 8.00 EUR

We send the goods within 2-4 working days! 

More info regarding shipping here.

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  • Don't hesitate to reach out to us for any queries or concerns. For a quick question you can find information at our FAQ here.
  • For more information contact us using our contact form.
  • E-mail us:
  • Call us: +371 26310000

Repair Dry Hair Juniper Starter Kit for Hair growth

Juniper Solid Shampoo bar (24g), Silk Solid Conditioner bar (22g) and Rosemary Hair Growth treatment Oil (10g).  A hair care routine for dry, frizzy hair and split ends.

These hair care products, which help strengthen hair and reduce hair damage, contain olive oil and panthenol, which have an intensively nourishing and moisturizing effect, as well as vegan silk amino acid. They hydrate dry curls, leaving them feeling healthier, nourished, and as a result easier to comb and style.


The shampoo and conditioner bars are scented with fresh lemongrass, and the hair oil is scented with fresh peppermint and rosemary essential oils. Beautiful gift set for lady or gentleman in a beautiful box and with light gift ribbon.

We offer two types of Gift Sets for Hairs:

1. Gift Set for Blond Hairs.

Description of Products -  Juniper Shampoo bar for Blond hair, Silk Conditioner Bar, Rosemary Hair Oil.

2. Gift Set for Dark and Red Hairs. 

Description of Products -  Juniper Shampoo bar for Dark and Red hairs, Silk Conditioner Bar, Rosemary Hair Oil.

When placing an order, please choose the type of Gift set - Set for Light hair or Set for Dark hair.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Ļoti labi 😊

Viss ir ļoti labi un kvalitatīvi paldies liels ❤️
Cietais šampūns ir ļoti labs.

Alīna Zdanovska
Ļoti patīk

Matu eļļa jau ir kļuvusi par manu mīļāko matu kopšanas līdzekli. Iegādājos, lai izmēģinātu cieto šampūnu un kondicionieri, un man tie tik ļoti iepatikās, ka pasūtīšu šo produktu lielās versijas. Komplektam ir ļoti skaists noformējums.

Vika Saveļjeva
Laba pieredze

Cietais šampūns šis otrais manā pieredzē. Puto un manuprāt labi attīra.
Cietais kondicionieris gaišiem matiem - mana pirmā pieredze ar cieti kond. Un strādā ļoti labi. Vel neesmu daudz lietojusi, bet šobrīd patīk un esmu pārsteigta cik labs rezultāts!

Eva Palameika
Mazais komplekts

Ilgi pētīju, lasīju atsauksmes par produktiem cietais šampūns, kondicionieris un eļļa matu augšanai!
Un varu piekrist visiem par to, ka tiešām jau no pirmās lietošanas reizes ir jūtamas izmaiņas. Galvenokārt sajūtās, kas rodas lietojot eļļiņu un pārsteidzošs rezultāts arī pēc cietā šampūna lietošanas. Izvēlējos mazo komplektu,lai tikai pamēģinātu, bet tagad zinu,ka noteikti ir tā vērts izvēlēties lielākus komplektus! Kaut arī esmu tikai sākuma posmā un rezultāti matu augšanai vēl nav uzreiz manāmi, bet turpināšu lietot, vērot kā tas man palīdz, jo sajūtas jau ir pozitīvas! Paldies par produktu! Iesaku!

Crafted with a deep commitment to our core values!

We believe that a holistic approach to skin and hair care is key to achieving healthy, radiant skin and hair. We are using only natural ingredients, ensuring maximum effectiveness and completely transparence to our customers.